Supporting the Deaf, Families, and Churches in Central Florida for over 25 years.
Supporting the Deaf, Families, and Churches in Central Florida for over 25 years.
Sponsored by GHA and inspired by the 9:00am Sunday School Class at The Church Of The Springs, our weekly prayer time called “JUST PRAY”, started in 2023. Join us every Monday at 7:00am, for only TEN minutes, starting your week with a MINDSET MONDAY, focused on GOD'S purposes.
Call (650) 475-4000. Access code: 658049#.
If you would like to hear a PLAYBACK of the most recent prayer call, dial 650-475-4099, access code 658049#.
Here's a TIP:
After you call in, you can hit *6 (star-6), OR the MUTE button, to MUTE your microphone on your phone. That way you can continue your morning activities without anyone else being able to HEAR those activities....if you hit *6 again, it will UNMUTE your phone.
The countdown below is until our NEXT LIVE call.